Saturday, 17 July 2010

A day by the Sea!

On Friday, Geoff, Tony, Steve and I went to Weston-super-Mare.  After the obligatory lunch and lemonade (!) at Wetherspoons we walked to the seafront and promptly got caught in an horrendous rainstorm - very little cover, but after a while the sun and blue sky appeared so a little photography took place. The pier still isn't open, but is apparently promised for late July.
Mid July, only one man and his dog on the beach!

A big lorry arrives and the donkeys were allowed out
They all enjoyed a roll in the wet sand!

A design in shapes at the Marine Lake

After a fish and chip snack - not quite in newspaper, but certainly in the white wrapping paper and with a little wood fork - we went on to Portishead where members of Kingswood PS were meeting at 7.00pm for an evening outdoors.  We had a wander and I think this was my favourite picture of the evening: The "Standing Stones" are known as FULL FATHOM FIVE by the artist Michael Dan Archer.

One of the largest sculptures recently installed in the UK, the Seafarer’s Sculpture, it consists of a forest of granite columns running across a large earthwork by the sea in the new Port Marine development in Portishead near Bristol. The 108 granite columns vary in height from 1m to 3m and are arranged in serpentine aisles which the spectator can walk through to the crest of the mound where a stone has been set to sit on and contemplate the sea. From land or sea, the view reveals that the columns form the profile of a wave.

1 comment:

  1. Very fine series. The sense of loneliness on the first one - would never guess July! The companionship and happiness of the free donkeys and the great lines on the last two photos, my preferred for those beautiful lines! :-)Congratulations for the Blog. Hope you'll be more persistent on maintaining it that I was with mine...

    Maria Salvador
